Scout Sections

Scout Sections

Scouting is not just about knots, woggles and big shorts, and it's not just for boys either! Did you know that Dan Carter was a Cub scout? Many famous sports people, astronauts and politicians got their start in life through Scouting and you can benefit too.

There are 16,000 young people in Scouting in New Zealand, spread across five sections: Keas, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers. Each section has its own balanced programme of activities, badges and awards.

Kea's : 5.5 to 8 years old (School Years 1-3) (Full has waitlist)

Cubs : 8 to 11 years old (School Years 4-6) (Full has waitlist)

Scouts : 11 to 14 years old (School Years 6-10) (Full has waitlist)

Ventures : 14 to 19 years old (School Years 10-13) (Run by St Chads Group)

Rovers : 18 to 26 years old (Not Operating at Orakei)

Our groups meet during the school terms

Keas meets on Mondays

    • Winter Terms 2 & 3 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm

    • Summer Terms 4 & 1 from 5.30pm- 6.30pm

    • Age Range 5.5 - 8 Yrs

Tuesday Cubs

    • Winter Terms 2 & 3 from 6.00pm to 7.30pm

    • Summer Terms 4 & 1 from 6.00pm- 8.00pm

    • Age Range 8 - 11 Yrs

Thursday Cubs

    • Winter Terms 2 & 3 from 6.00pm to 7.30pm

    • Summer Terms 4 & 1 from 6.00pm- 8.00pm

    • Age Range 8 - 11 Yrs

Scouts meets on Wednesdays

    • Winter Terms 2 & 3 from 6.30pm to 8.00pm

    • Summer Terms 4 & 1 from 6.00pm- 8.00pm

    • Age Range 11 - 14 Yrs

Keas - 5.5 to 8 years old (School years 1-3)

Kea Clubs provide safe and nurturing environments for children to have fun and develop their creativity...

As a Kea you will interact with nature and learn to share through co-operation and teamwork. Keas meet weekly on Monday at our Hall and engage in both active and quiet games, stories, creative crafts, play-acting and singing.

The Kea motto is: 'I Share, I Care, I Discover, I Grow.'

As a Kea you will:

  • have lots of fun and go on awesome adventures

  • play heaps of games and make lots of friends

  • earn Award badges

  • learn the Kea Promise and Motto

  • learn to sing the Kea Song and Kea Yell

  • take part in National Events such as Keas Day, Founders Day and Mudslide Day

Cubs - 8 to 11 years (School years 4-6)

Cub Packs offer learning programmes where children are encouraged to experience, experiment, and explore...

The Cub section is for children who are in Years 4-6 at primary school. They meet weekly at our Scout Hall on a Thursday and take part in all sorts of cool activities.

As a Cub you will:

  • have lots of fun taking part in awesome activities like outdoor adventures, camping, bushwalking, outdoor cooking, expeditions, helping your Community, play games and making lots of friends.

  • have the chance to earn Personal Challenge Badges like Swimming, Hobbies, Pet Keeper, Scientist and Fishing, and each year of Cubs you can work towards the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

  • be able to work towards the premier Outdoor Adventure Award.

Scouts - 11 to 14 years (School years 6-10)

Action-packed activities form the core of being a Scout, encouraging young people to make their own decisions and to explore the world around them...

Scouts are the third section of the Scouting movement after Keas and Cubs for boys and girls from year 7 to year 10 at school.

At Scouts, we do anything and everything – all the fun things you have always wanted to do. Whether it is outdoor based activities such as tramping, camping, biking, rafting or indoor based such as scout craft, photography or pioneering – what you do is your choice.

We have a progressive Award Scheme based on the four cornerstones of outdoors, community, personal development and new experiences to keep you constantly pushing yourself to achieve your personal best. Not only will you gain practical skills, you will also gain life skills, such as leadership, responsibility and confidence.

You will become a member of a Scout Patrol within a larger Scout Troop. Together, you will make all the decisions, set goals and work together as a team to succeed in whatever you choose to do.

There is a huge network of Scouts throughout New Zealand and an estimated 40 million members worldwide. In New Zealand over 4000 boys and girls are active members of the Scout section and there is always something new and exciting to try.

Venturers - 14 to 19 years (School years 11-14)

Venturers develop their own programmes - from vocational activities developing self-confidence, to leadership courses and team-building exercises...

Action | Adventure | Challenge

Do you like fun new activities, learning new skills and meeting new people……then action, challenges and adventure are waiting for you. Become a Venturer and let the adventure begin. As a Venturer you will choose your own program. If it interests you, you can do it. And remember if it’s not fun you aren’t doing it right.

Typical activities are: Tramping, Climbing, Kayaking, Cycle Touring, Camping, Abseiling, Off-Road Car Building and Racing, and Sailing.

You will also learn many new skills and make new friends. Social activities are an important part of Venturing, and you will take part in Quiz nights, Formal Balls, Casino evenings and many other fun events. Meeting other Venturers from around NZ and the world, and making friends for life are all a part of Venturing.

You will also work towards your Queen’s Scout Award. Becoming a Queen’s Scout gives you the skills and confidence to achieve all of your goals in life. Because Queen’s Scouts are exceptional young people, this award can be very useful when looking to attend sponsored courses (eg Outward Bound) and in finding work.

Rovers - Ages 18-26

Being a Rover gives you access to a world of adventure, excitement and challenge...

Rovers Scouts offer a unique, challenging and rewarding experience for young adults in New Zealand. Rovers get engaged with a balanced program of service, social and self-development which revolves around having fun in a big family-like environment. As a Rover, you will get opportunities to develop a wide range of skills from leadership, event and project management to general life skills such as budgeting and self-reliance.

You set your own pace to challenge yourself accordingly in a safe and supportive environment. With the Rover Award scheme you can achieve set goals and be rewarded for your hard work.

Groups of Rovers are called “Crews”, each Crew runs itself with huge emphasis on developing a Crew identity and culture. Teamwork is a key part of Rovers, so with all the opportunities Rovers can offer you will be able to hone your skills to assist with your future endeavours.

Rovers “Give back” to the community, either through Leadership roles, mentoring the younger age groups or service projects that benefit others. There is no real limitation to the good you can do as a Rover - YOU can make the world a better place